What is a Protection session?By using energy that I create as well as the positive and pure energy that is available in the universe, I clear the unwanted energy from your environment. The reason it's called a Protection session is because when the unwanted energy is removed, new energy, solidity and protection, take its place.
Sometimes an unwanted presence or energy gets stuck in a space and needs to be cleared. If you feel that something like this is happening to you, a Protection session could be helpful. Often people describe this unwanted energy as feeling negative, unsettling, old, or stale. This energy can create feelings of unhappiness, stress and fear. During a Protection session I use my own energy, New Equations Music and positive energy from the universe to help clear and protect your environment. This helps the old energy release so new fresh energy can take its place. The length of a Protection session depends on the size of your space and the kind of issue you are having. Although some spaces only need one session, many will require more and this is determined on a case-by-case basis. You can find out more about pricing on the Services page. To schedule a Protection session you can contact me below! What can be protected?People often request that I clear the energy in their homes, workspaces, or performance areas. There is no area that is too big or too small to clear and protect.
HomeYour home is a place where you should be able to relax, enjoy yourself and feel safe. There are many reasons you may want a Protection session in your home:
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